
(Chris Devlin) #1
peer editing

peak (of a syllable)n
see syllable

Pearson product-moment correlation (r)
see correlation

pedagogical content knowledgen
in teaching, a teacher’s knowledge of subject matter and the ability to represent
it in a way that will facilitate teaching and learning. Whereas content
knowledgerefers to knowledge of subject matter, pedagogical content
knowledgerefers to knowing how to turn that subject matter into plans for
teaching and learning. It is a key component of teaching skill.

pedagogic grammarn
also pedagogical grammar
a grammatical description of a language which is intended for pedagogical
purposes, such as language teaching, syllabus design, or the preparation of
teaching materials. A pedagogic grammar may be based on:
agrammatical analysis and description of a language
ba particular grammatical theory, such as generative grammar
c the study of the grammatical problems of learners (see error analysis)
or on a combination of approaches.

in general terms, pedagogy refers to theories of teaching, curriculum and
instruction as well as the ways in which formal teaching and learning in
institutional settings such as schools is planned and delivered. In educational
theory, pedagogy is usually divided into curriculum,instruction, and
evaluation. Since language is the essential medium of pedagogy, the role
of language in pedagogy is a focus of theorizing and research by linguists,
applied linguists, educators, and critical pedagogues. critical pedagogy
seeks to address issues related to the distribution and exercises of power
and knowledge in educational settings.

peer assessmentn
activities in which learners assess each other’s performance.

peer correction n
another term forpeer review

peer editingn
another term for peer review

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