
(Chris Devlin) #1

peer feedbackn
another term for peer review

peer groupn
a group of people with whom a person associates or identifies, e.g. neigh-
bourhood children of the same age, or members of the same class at school
or of the same sports team.
see also network

peer monitoringn
in teaching, the use of observation and assessment of what is happening in
the classroom during learning activities that is carried out for students by
other students in the class.

peer reviewn
also peer feedback, peer editing
(in the teaching of composition, particularly according to the process
approach) an activity in the revising stage of writing (see composing
processes) in which students receive feedbackabout their writing from
other students – their peers. Typically students work in pairs or small
groups, read each other’s compositions and ask questions or give comments
or suggestions.

peer teachingn
also peer mediated instruction
classroom teaching in which one student teaches another, particularly
within a learner-centred approach to teaching. For example, when students
have learnt something, they may teach it to other students, or test other
students on it.

peer tutoringn
see co-operative learning

pejorative adj
a word or expression that suggest disapproval or that something is not good
or of no importance. For example to call someone a “twit” or “dickhead”.

percentile n
a term describing the position of a test taker within a distribution divided
equally into 100 ranks. A test taker’s percentile has a corresponding raw
score below which a particular percentage of scores fall (see percentile
score for this interpretation). For example, the 95th percentile of a test

peer feedback
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