
(Chris Devlin) #1

assimilation^2 n
a process in which a group gradually gives up its own language, culture,
and system of values and takes on those of another group with a different
language, culture, and system of values, through a period of interaction.
see also acculturation,social distance

assimilation^3 n
see adaptation^2

associative learning n
learning which happens when a connection or association is made, usually
between two things.
For example:
aWhen someone hears the word table, they may think of the word food,
because this word is often used with or near table. This is called associ-
ation by contiguity.
bWhen someone hears the word delicate, they may think of the word fragile,
because it has a similar meaning. This is called association by similarity.
c When someone hears the word happy, they may think of the word
sad, because it has the opposite meaning. This is called association by
Associative learning theory has been used in studies of memory, learning,
and verbal learning.
see also verbal learning, word association, paired-associate

associative meaning n
the associative meaning of a word is the total of all the meanings a person
thinks of when they hear the word.
For example, in a word association test a person might be given a word
(a stimulus) and then asked to list all the things they think of (the response).
For example:
stimulus response
Puppy warm
warm, young, furry, lively, kittenmake up the associative meaning of
puppy for that person.
Associative meaning has been used in studies of memory and thought.
see also word association, stimulus-response theory

associative meaning
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