
(Chris Devlin) #1


qualifier^1 n qualify v
(in traditional grammar) any linguistic unit (e.g. an adjective, a phrase,
or a clause) that is part of anoun phrase^1 and gives added information
about the noun.
For example, her,expensive, and from Paris are qualifiers in the noun phrase:
her expensive blouse from Paris
see also modifier^1

qualifier^2 n qualify v
(in Halliday’s functional grammar) any linguistic unit that is part of a
group, gives added information about the headof the group, and follows
the head.
For example, from Paris is a qualifier in the noun group
her expensive blouse from Paris.
see also modifier^2

qualitative data n
data, such as a written account of what happened during a lesson or an
interview, but not in numerical form. Data collected in qualitative form can
often be converted into quantitative form.
see also quantitative data

qualitative research n
narrowly, any research that uses procedures that make use of non-numerical
data, such as interviews, case studies, or participant observation.
However, the term “qualitative research” frequently has a broader meaning
as well, implying a holistic approach to social research in which experimental
intervention in a research site, attempts to isolate phenomena of interest in
experiments, and attempts to identify causal relationships among isolated
variables are eschewed in favour of the naturalistic observation of complex
settings. Qualitative researchers are also concerned with such ethical issues
as entry into the research site,gate-keeping, flexibility in research design,
and triangulation.
see also analytic induction, constant comparison method, docu-
mentary analysis, ethnography, grounded theory

quality assurance n
systems an organization has in place to ensure the quality of its practices.
In language teaching organizations and institutions quality assurance is
identified with:

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