
(Chris Devlin) #1
select details relevant to main ideas and also to generate implied main ideas
from detailed information.

reading for gist n
also reading for global understanding
reading in order to understand the general meaning of a text without paying
attention to specific details.

reading log n
see learning log

reading method n
also reading approach
in foreign language teaching, a programme or method in which reading
comprehension is the main objective. In a reading approach (a) the for-
eign language is generally introduced through short passages written with
simple vocabulary and structures (b) comprehension is taught through
translation and grammatical analysis (c) if the spoken language is taught,
it is generally used to reinforce reading and limited to the oral reading of

reading skills n
also reading microskills
text processing abilities employed in reading and that are relatively auto-
matic in their use. For example:
1 recognizing words
2 recognizing grammatical functions of words
3 noticing specific details
4 making inferences
5 making comparisons
6 making predictions.
In second and foreign language instruction these skills are sometimes taught
and practised separately.
see reading strategies

reading span n
also eye span, visual span
the amount of printed text that a person can perceive within a single fixation
pause, usually described as being between seven and ten letter spaces.

reading speed n
also rate of reading
the speed which a person reads depends on

reading for gist
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