
(Chris Devlin) #1

audio-visual method n
also structural global method
a method of foreign language teaching which was developed in France in
the 1950s and which
ateaches speaking and listening before reading and writing
bdoes not use the mother tongue in the classroom
c uses recorded dialogues with film-strip picture sequences to present
language items
duses drills to teach basic grammar and vocabulary.
The audio-visual method is based on the belief that
alanguage is learned through communication
btranslation can be avoided if new language items are taught in situations
c choice of items for teaching should be based on a careful analysis of the
language being taught.
see also audiolingual method

auditing n
see dependability

auditory adj
of or related to hearing.

auditory discrimination n
the ability to hear and recognize the different sounds in a language. In
particular the ability to recognize the different phonemes, and the different
stress and intonation patterns.
see also perception

auditory feedback n
when a person speaks, they can hear what they are saying, and can use this
information to monitor their speech and to correct any mistakes. This is
called auditory feedback.
For example, in the following utterance the speaker uses auditory feedback
to correct his/ her pronunciation:
Would you like a cup of cea or toffee – I mean tea or coffee?
see also feedback, delayed auditory feedback, kinesthetic feedback

auditory learner n
a learner whose preferred learning style is to learn by listening, rather than
learning in some other way, such as by reading.
See also cognitive style /learning style, kinaesthetic learner,
visual learner

auditory learner
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