
(Chris Devlin) #1

sheltered English n
alsosheltered instruction
an approach to the teaching of second language students based on the
Canadian model of immersion education (see immersion programme), in
which content is taught in English and made comprehensible to the students
by special instructional techniques. The goal of the approach is to enable
the students to acquire high levels of oral English proficiency while at
the same time achieving in the content areas, i.e. to teach academic
subject matter and language simultaneously until the student is ready for

short circuit hypothesis n
(in reading research) the idea that first language reading strategies are
ineffective (are short-circuited) by proficiency deficits in a second language
unless a threshold level of proficiency has been reached.

short-term memory n
see memory

shwa n
another spelling of schwa

sibilant n
a fricativein which there is a high-pitched turbulent noise, as in English
/s / in sip.

side sequence n
in a conversation, one of the speakers may break the main course of the con-
versation to check up on a particular point. Usually the other speaker(s)
would supply the answer. After this exchange, the side sequence, the main
conversation is often taken up again.
For example, A and B are arranging to meet:
A: I’ll be there at six.
B:Aren’t you working late?
A:Not on Thursdays.
B: Fine, see you at six then.
The B /A exchange in the middle of the conversation is the side sequence.
see also insertion sequence, repair, sequencing

sight method n
another term for whole-word method

sheltered English
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