
(Chris Devlin) #1

special education n
alsospecial ed
in the US, provision of schooling or special support for those whose needs
cannot be readily accommodated in the mainstream curriculum, e.g. for
students who may have particular emotional, intellectual, physical or social

special languages n
a term used for the varieties of language used by specialists in writing about
their subject matter, such as the language used in botany, law, nuclear
physics or linguistics. The study of special languages includes the study of
terminology(the special lexemes used in particular disciplines) and regis-
ter(2) the distinctive linguistic features which occur in special languages.
see also English for special purposes

special nativism n
see nativism

special needs students n
a term used in the US to refer to several types of students who have needs
that are not met in ordinary classrooms, such as students with disabilities
(SD), exceptional or gifted children, and English language learners (ELL) or
limited English proficient (LEP) students.

specific language impairment n
also SLI
a developmental language disorder, affecting either expressive or receptive
language, that is not related to or caused by other disorders such as hearing
loss or brain injury. Symptoms include the use of short sentences, delay in
the use of function words, difficulty learning new words, and problems
producing and understanding complex sentences.

specific question n
see global question

spectrogram n
see spectrograph

spectrograph n
an instrument used in acoustic phonetics (see phonetics). It gives a
visual representation of a sound, showing its component frequencies. The

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