
(Chris Devlin) #1

subject relative clause n
also SU
see noun phrase accessibility hierarchy

subject-verb agreement n
the inflection of the verb to correspond or agree with the subject of the
sentence, as in the third person present tense of verbs in English which is
marked by adding “s”. She arrives tonight.

subject-verb inversion n
see inversion

subjunctive n
see mood

submersion education n
a term which is sometimes used to describe a situation in which English
second language students are placed in regular classrooms and compete
with native speakers, and are given no special assistance with English –
i.e. a kind of “sink or swim approach”. Few adaptations are made to meet
the students’ special needs and the goal is to ensure that the students learn
English as quickly as possible.

submersion programme n
a form of bilingual education in which the language of instruction is
not the first language of some of the children, but is the first language of
others. This happens in many countries where immigrant children enter
school and are taught in the language of the host country.
see also immersion programme

subordinate clause n
another term for dependent clause

subordinating conjunction n
see conjunction

subordination n
see conjunction

subordinator n

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