
(Chris Devlin) #1

sustained silent reading (SSR) n
in the teaching of reading, an activity in which classroom time is devoted to
silent reading, when students read materials of their own choice. Such activi-
ties usually occur regularly. The teacher does not interrupt the students
during these reading periods.

SVO language n
see typology

SWOT analysis n
see situational analysis

syllabic consonant n
a consonant that functions in a weak syllable without the support of a
vowel. In English, /n / and / l / have the capacity to be syllabic in words like
kitten(syllabic /n /) and little(syllabic / l /).

syllabic writing n
a writing system in which each symbol represents a syllable, e.g. the
Japanese syllabic systems Katakana and Hiragana. Examples from Katakana:


see also alphabetic writing, ideographic writing

syllabification nsyllabifyv
dividing a word up into syllables.
For example, locomotive can be divided up into four syllables: lo-co-mo-tive.
The syllabification of the spelling of a word can differ from the syllabi-
fication of its pronunciation. For example, in
styl-is-tics /staiclistiks/
the first syllable of the spelling is styl, but the first syllable of the pronun-
ciation is /stai-/.

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