
(Chris Devlin) #1

testee n
another term for test taker

test equating n
see equating

test format n
a description of the task type which is used to elicit any given language
sample from students during a test.

testing n
a use of tests, or the study of the theory and practice of their use, develop-
ment, evaluation, etc.

test item n
a question or element in a test that requires an answer or response. Several
different types of test items are commonly used in language tests, including:
a alternate response item: one in which a correct response must be chosen
from two alternatives, such as True / False, Yes / No, or A / B.
b fixed response item, also closed-ended response: one in which the correct
answer must be chosen from among several alternatives. A multiple-
choice item is an example of a fixed response item. For example:
Choose (a), (b), (c), or (d).
Yesterday we a movie. (a) has seen (b) saw (c) have seen
(d) seen.
(b) is the correct response, while (a), (c) and (d) are called distractors.
c free response item, also open-ended response: one in which the test taker
is free to answer a question as he or she wishes without having to choose
from among alternatives provided.
d structured response item: one in which some control or guidance is given
for the answer, but the test takers must contribute something of their
own. For example, after reading a passage, a comprehension question
such as the following:
What is astrology?
Astrology is the ancient
of telling what will in
the future by studying the
of the stars and the planets.

Test of English as a Foreign Language n
also TOEFL
a standardized test of English proficiency administered by the educa-
tional testing service, and widely used to measure the English language
proficiency of international students wishing to enter American universities.

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