
(Chris Devlin) #1

Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English n
an electronic corpus compiled at the University of Vienna of spoken
English as a lingua franca, for example, a Hungarian educator discuss-
ing education issues with Danish, Finnish and Portuguese colleagues,
or a Korean sales representative negotiating a contract with a German

virtual learningn
also virtual education
Forms of learning in which teachers and students are separated in
space or time and where course content and teacher-student com-
munication is provided through technology such as the internet or
video conferencing.

virtual learning environment n
see learning management system

virtual world n
an internet based interactive environment in which participants create their
own identities and communicate via chat and global messages.

visual learner n
a learner who finds it easier to learn things when they see them written
down, rather than simply hearing them (an auditory learner).

visual organizer n
in teaching, visual systems using spatial frameworks such as diagrams,
maps, or charts to organize knowledge or information related to a given
topic or learning theme. They display in visual form, the key conceptual
framework or key elements of the subject matter in a given area. For example,
spider maps, network trees, Venn diagrams, or storyboard.

visual perception n
see perception

visual span n
see reading span

visuospatial sketchpad n
see memory

Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English
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