
(Chris Devlin) #1
word response
accident car
airplane fly
American flag
baby child
depression recession
see also associative meaning

word bank n
see brainstorming

word blindness n
another term for dyslexia

word boundary n
see boundaries

word-by-word reading n
a type of reading characterized by:
1 in silent reading, a very slow rate of reading with undue concentration
on individual words and inability to focus on broader chunks of text,
sometimes also accompanied by lip movements
2 in oral reading, a slow and halting style of reading with excessive pausing
on individual words and often poor comprehension.

word class n
a group of words which are similar in function. Words are grouped into
word classes according to how they combine with other words, how they
change their form, etc. The most common word classes are the parts
of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, pronoun,
article, demonstrative, conjunction, interjection, etc.
see alsoform class, open class

word formation n
processes used in a language for the creation of new words. There are
several ways of doing this, including:
athe addition of an affix in derivation
bthe removal of an affix: back formation
c the addition of a combining form
dthe construction of a compound word
e the shortening of an old word, as when influenza becomes flu

word formation
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