
(Chris Devlin) #1
1 Key English Test (KET)(1)
2 Preliminary English Test (PET)
3 First Certificate in English (FCE)
4 Certificate of Advanced English (CAE)
5 Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).

another term for test taker

can-do statementsn
an approach to describing learning outcomes associated with the common
european framework, which describes the learner’s performance or some
aspect of it in terms of what the learner is able to do. For example:
The learner can express simple opinions on familiar topics in a familiar
The “can-do” statements of learning outcomes are linked to different levels
on a proficiency band or scale.

typical or usual. For example, the canonical word order of English is SVO
(subject-verb-object), although other orders are possible.

canonical formn
the form of a linguistic item which is usually shown as the standard form.
For example, the plural morpheme in English is usually shown as -s, even
though it may appear as -s, -es, -en, etc., -sis the canonical form.

canonical ordern
also canonical word order
the basic order of the constituents subject (S), object (O) and verb (V) in a
particular language. For example, the canonical order of English is SVO,
while in Japanese the canonical order is SOV.

captioned videon
see subtitles

see subtitles

cardinal voweln
any of the vowels in the cardinal vowel system. The cardinal vowel system
was invented by Daniel Jones as a means of describing the vowels in any

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