
(Chris Devlin) #1
Some languages such as Malay, Chinese, and various African languages
have an extensive system of classifiers. In English, a few classifiers are still
used, e.g. head of in:
five head of cattle
In languages such as Swahili, the affix classifying a noun is also added to its
modifierS, predicate, etc.

classifier^2 n
(in systemic linguistics) a word in a noun phrasewhich shows the
sub-class to which a person or thing belongs.
For example, nouns and adjectives can function as classifiers:
classifier noun classified
electric trains
steam trains
see also modifier, head

classroom-based evaluation/classroom based assessmentn
the collection of information about learners, teachers, and teaching in
the classroom in a normal school learning situation to assess the quality of
teaching and learning. Classroom-based evaluation is often an approach to
formative evaluation.

classroom-centred researchn
also CCR, classroom-process research, language classroom research
second language orientated research carried out in formal instructional
settings (rather than in naturalistic, untutored settings), especially in relation
to the effects of classroom practices of teachers and students on learners’
achievement, performance in class and attitudes. Classroom-centred research
has focused on such things as the linguistic features of classroom language
(see classroom discourse), observation of the structure of oral com-
munication between teachers and learners, error treatment, communication
strategies, turn-taking patterns, code-switching, and other factors that
are believed to influence second language acquisition. Classroom-centred
research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods, including research
techniques derived from interaction analysis and ethnography, as
well as quasi-experimental methods of comparison examining the effects
of specific teaching methods and experimental studies of the effects of
aspects of interaction and processing that are associated with classroom
instructional processes.

classroom discoursen
the type of language used in classroom situations. Classroom discourse is
often different in form and function from language used in other situations

classroom discourse
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