1 establishing an atmosphere in which academic goals are emphasized
2 promoting high standards and monitoring and rewarding achievement
3 maintaining an orderly environment
4 building expectations for success.
clinical linguisticsn
a branch of linguistics that involves the application of linguistic description
and analysis to the field of speech pathology. Clinical linguists are concerned
with various types of communicative impairment, including developmental
speech and language disorders and autism.
clinical supervisionn
(in teacher education) an approach to teacher supervision which focuses
upon the improvement of teaching by means of systematic observation of
teaching performance and focused feedback by the supervisor. Clinical
supervision involves:
1 a close face-to-face relationship between a teacher and a supervisor
2 a focus on the teacher’s actual behaviour in the classroom, with the goal
of improving the teacher’s skill as a teacher
3 a three-stage strategy consisting of:
a a planning conference, in which the teacher discusses his or her goals,
methodology, problems, etc., with the supervisor and they decide on
what the supervisor should observe and what kind of information
about the lesson he or she should collect
b classroom observation, in which the supervisor observes the teacher in
his or her classroom
c feedback conference, in which the teacher and the supervisor review
the data the supervisor has collected, discuss the effectiveness of the
lesson, and decide on strategies for improvement, if necessary.
the shortening of a word by dropping or “clipping” one or more syllables.
E.g. doc– doctor, lab– laboratory, math– mathematics.
a grammatical form which cannot stand on its own in an utterance. It needs
to co-occur with another form which either precedes or follows it. Some
languages have clitic pronoun forms which are attached to the verb. In
English, n’t the contracted form ofnot in couldn’t, isn’t, and don’t can be
considered a clitic.
an abbreviation for community language learning