closed captioned films
see subtitles
see subtitles
closed-choice questionsn
also closed question
see question
closed classn
see open class
closed-ended responsen
see test item
close descriptionn
alsothick description
in qualitative research, detailed description that seeks to describe an event,
situation or phenomenon with as much information as possible.
closed pairsn
in pair work, pairs of students working independently from other students
in the class. This can be compared with open pairs, in which a pair of students
carry out an activity in front of others, as a way of modelling an activity or
in order to focus on accuracy.
closed question
see question
closed setn
see open class
closed syllablen
see syllable
close voweln
also high vowel
see vowel
strategies speakers use to bring a conversation to a close and which serve to
indicate that neither speaker will initiate further turns or topics. Closings
closed captioned films