
(Chris Devlin) #1
shared by the two variables, i.e. 51% of the variability is not shared or
predicted by the variables.

cognaten, adj
a word in one language which is similar in form and meaning to a word in
another language because both languages are related. For example English
brother and German Bruder.
Sometimes words in two languages are similar in form and meaning but are
borrowingsand not cognate forms.
For example, kampuniin the African language Swahili is a borrowing from
English company.
see also false cognate

the various mental processes used in thinking, remembering, perceiving,
recognizing, classifying, etc.
see also cognitive psychology

cognitive academic language proficiencyn
also CALP
a hypothesis proposed by Cummins which describes the special kind of
second language proficiency which students need in order to perform
school learning tasks. Cummins suggests that many classroom tasks are
cognitively demanding and often have to be solved independently by the
learner without support from the context. The ability to carry out such
tasks in a second language is known as CALP. Cummins contrasts this kind
of language proficiency with Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
(BICS). This refers to the language proficiency needed to perform other kinds
of tasks which are not directly related to learning academic content, such as
interpersonal communication. Interpersonal and social communication is
relatively undemanding cognitively and relies on context to clarify meaning.
According to Cummins, different kinds of tests are needed to measure CALP
and BICS, and a learner’s skill in BICS does not predict performance on CALP.

cognitive code approachn
an approach to second and foreign language teaching which was proposed
in the 1960s and which is based on the belief that language learning is a
process which involves active mental processes and not simply the forming
of habits. It gives importance to the learner’s active part in the process of using
and learning language, particularly in the learning of grammatical rules.
Although it has not led to any particular method of language teaching, the
communicative approach makes some use of cognitive code principles.

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