Architectural Design

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2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/17/10 6:00 PM Page 11

Emergence of the design studio

› The Bauhaus: preliminary course

Bourges Cathedral
Survey by John Harvey of stone
tracery sketched by masons directly
on to the floor of Bourges Cathedral,
France, in the 12th century. The
term tracery may come from the
‘tracing floors’ on which the complex
patterns of late Gothic windows were
laid out before being lifted into place.

Wren was a particularly skilled collaborator and created
a long-standing and successful working relationship
with several architects in his office, in particular Nicholas
Hawksmoor. Hawksmoor rose from the position of clerk to
architect and worked with Wren on projects such as St Paul’s
Cathedral. He had benefited from, and contributed to,
a design studio that was a place of learning and teaching.

2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/17/10 6:01 PM Page 11

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