1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028
Chapter 3 final (3.4)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 11:07 AM Page 126
The design project
Development and detail
Once issues such as the scale, function, materiality and
concept of the proposal have been resolved in outline,
the architect will begin to make certain key decisions;
these decisions influence others that are apparently less
strategic. The complexity of any architectural project
means that it is necessary to ‘fix’ some ideas in order to
explore the consequences. It is important to remember
that these choices are only paper decisions and can
easily be reversed if necessary, often without destroying
the integrity of the whole scheme. Revisiting and
interrogating should reveal possibilities that can enhance
the concept and even the detail. This process ensures
that the design of form and space is tested. A form that
is chosen at the beginning of a typical project and does
not alter during the design development is unlikely to
have been very closely questioned by its designer;
it lowers the ambition for the project.
Drawings and models increase in scale and bring together
many different elements of the design, ranging from
the activities of the users to the structural strategy.
Drawings relate different elements to one another and
resolve any difficulty in bringing them together. Information
from consultants and specialist sub-contractors (such as
services engineers and pre-cast concrete manufacturers),
appears within the architect’s drawings. The architect must
coordinate this advice and collaborate with consultants to
make strategic design decisions that retain the clarity of
the concept. The form designed by the architect creates
an envelope and a series of spaces that must be designed
in detail so they can be constructed. The way that materials
and elements are joined together at this scale can be as
poetic as the sequence of form and space, despite the
pragmatic realities of the materials concerned. The concept
can be expressed right down to the last bolt.
Typical activities
at this stage
Scaled drawings
and models
Design resolution
Detailed design
Decision making
Execution of concept
Samples and prototypes
Managing complexity
1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028
Chapter 3 final (3.4)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/26/10 7:38 AM Page 126