Architectural Design

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1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 3 final (3.4)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 12:35 PM Page 149

Technology concepts exercise

During the detail design phase of a project, plastic
conceptual ideas must be turned into physical ones. Through
the materials that are chosen and the way that they are put
together, technology can inspire or express an architectural
concept. We all exist in a physical world subject to laws
such as gravity and seasonal change. These conditions are
influenced by the people who inhabit the world as well as the
architects who design for their physical needs. The following
exercise seeks to name the links that an architect can make
between the concept for their design and its expression
through technology. Find a word in the first column that
has the most influence on the building or element that
you are designing. Find a word in the other columns that
relates most closely to the concept of your project. Make
a statement explaining how this concept can be expressed
through the materials that you select and how you
connect them.
The conceptual qualities of
materials and connections
Disguise Expression
Contrast Continuity
Movement Static
Craft Technology
Temporary Permanent
Complexity Simplicity
Layers Monolithic
Mass Delicacy
Separation Connection
Pristine Decay
Quality Humility
Tradition Revolution
Precision Randomness
Human scale Non-human
Natural Artificial
Calm Restless

Physical conditions
influencing architecture

Initial ideas › Development and detail

› Construction and occupation

1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 3 final (3.4)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/26/10 2:25 PM Page 149

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