Architectural Design

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2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/18/10 10:18 AM Page 15

The Bauhaus: preliminary course ›

Architectural education

› Architectural Association: student pavilions

Architectural education today

Today the design studio is central to most systems of
architectural education and practice. Learning to design has
much in common with other practical arts, such as learning
to play an instrument. The more you practise, the better you
get. The act of learning by doing gives you instant feedback
in terms of the visual and physical result and this allows you
to do it better the next time. Just as music students rehearse
for a big concert, architecture students working on a project
in the studio are getting ready for their first commission.
Student projects are rarely truly ‘live’ in the way that
professional projects are, but normally have some element
of reality embedded in them.
The legacy of apprenticeships and the old master/pupil
relationships that previously existed in the training of
architects have had an influence on the structure of
architectural education today. During every design project,
students are assigned to a design-studio tutor, to give them
the opportunity to learn from a range of architects and their
different approaches to design.

This sketchbook page, by U Ieong
To, illustrates the analysis of sound
on site. A sketchbook records the
progress and process of a project,
and it is the process of architectural
design that students of architecture
are engaged in learning. In addition
to sketches, diagrams, notes, site
information, precedent images and
trial pieces for the project itself,
a sketchbook may also contain
ideas for other (sometimes future)
projects and is a place to record
sources of general inspiration
such as quotations, work seen
at exhibitions, on field trips and
while travelling.

2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/18/10 10:19 AM Page 15

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