1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028
Chapter 3 final (3.5)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 12:24 PM Page 168
The design project
Construction and occupation
The revised design was constructed and handed over to
the members of the theatre company at a meeting to show
them how to mount and demount the booth. The last test
was its use in a busy city street where it succeeded in
robustly providing visible publicity without obstructing
everyday activity.
Ralph Saull anticipating the effects of change and the
passage of time in his design studio project:
Why do we programme change and flexibility into our
architecture? Is it so the sense of possibility is preserved?
My design will not just allow for change and decay, but
depend on it. The materials I specify will mature to define
the aesthetic of the complete; not decay and break the
sense of completion.
Rodolfo Acevedo Rodriguez on why it is necessary to design
with the intended occupation of the building in mind:
Building, machine and body come together. The materiality
and function are the product of an interaction between them;
how one thing relates to another is defined by dimension and
detail, but how the space will become inhabitable depends
simply on how well all elements are compared and layered.
Anna Beer (Information Booth live project) on the
continuation of design activity into the construction phase:
Initially, we had thought of using a lightweight construction
fabric with a rod support skeleton, to contrast with the
more solid frame of the actual booth; however, this caused
problems because we couldn’t find a way of supporting
a lightweight fabric in the preferred concertina shape without
adding significantly to the stress on the ticket booth. We
solved this by adding a back wall to the ticket booth which
attached to the roof in an upside-down L-shape. Even with
a ‘final design’, the ticket booth was constantly morphing
and we were constantly questioning it. The construction
was definitely a learning curve.
1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028
Chapter 3 final (3.5)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 12:25 PM Page 168