Architectural Design

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1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

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Architectural design


The interviews with the five architectural practices in
Chapter 3 reveal some of the values and approaches that
they share. They all have ambitions for their projects that
go beyond the apparent scope of the initial brief and they
look beyond their own immediate discipline into areas as
diverse as art practice, politics, craft, music, material
science, philosophy, literature and theatre.
Collaborative ways of working with people both inside
and outside the construction industry and the use of
working methods from other disciplines nourish the work
of each architect. An interest in the human condition also
underpinned much of the discussion. Each architect spoke
with great skill to communicate complex ideas. Articulating
ideas in an engaging way is not only important for
communication with clients, contractors and other interested
parties, it also allows the architect to test and search for
meaning in discussion with their colleagues. Instinctive
moves were analysed and understood by the architects.
Threads linking their own work were picked up and sense
made of them. Patterns were established and interrogated.
Where the architects differed in their attitudes and
approaches, issues of emphasis, specialisation and agenda
were present. The will to innovate and to pursue a line of
enquiry has led each of the five practices to develop different
areas of expertise such as participatory methods, trans-
disciplinary explorations and material innovations. The
precise nature of this emphasis varies, but each new project
forms the next step in the overall development of a practice’s
pursuit of meaning in their work. Graphical communication
must respond to these variations in approach and the
architect must use all of their skills to represent the qualities
of their design and do it justice.
The aim of this book is to act as a guide to design-studio
culture, enabling everyone to participate fully on their own
terms; to give you knowledge and therefore control over your
own design process; and to offer inspiration with examples
of the work and working methods of different architects.
Where possible, mysteries surrounding the learning and
activities of architectural design have been unravelled or,
at the very least, the reasons for their existence explained.

Project: From Earth Literary
Location: Oxford, UK
Designer: Huda Jaber
Date: 2010

1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

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