1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/
Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/23/10 8:51 PM Page 18
Critic Unresolved
Meaning Needs more work
Critic Interesting
Meaning Strange (not fatally flawed but certainly not
making sense yet. I don’t want to de-rail your
progress though)
Critic Consider
Meaning Needs more thought: try this possible solution/
Critic Powerful
Meaning A very good idea expressed in a compelling way
Critic Inventive
Meaning I wish I’d thought of that!
Interpretation of some common terms used by architects during crits
The design studio
Architectural education
Reviews, also known as crits, happen at various stages
of a project. These are normally either informal pin-ups or
formal interim and final reviews. The format is flexible and
capable of taking many forms. However, the most common
is for students to pin up their work, display their models
and present their work verbally to a panel of reviewers
and students. It is important to plan a convincing verbal
presentation in order to communicate the project fully in
the time allocated.
In a formal review, you may be asked to provide written
comments reflecting on the review and will often be given
written feedback and/or formal assessment afterwards.
Designers need to be skilled in making critical judgements
in order to make design decisions and reviews are a way to
reveal the reasoning behind reviewers’ judgements, allowing
you to develop your own critical judgement. Different
architects will voice contradictory opinions about the same
piece of work and the discussion helps everyone to explore
the reasons behind this.
It is especially important to be well rested the night before
a review to be in the best frame of mind to view work
objectively and to learn from the techniques and ideas
of peers. It can be difficult to be on the receiving end of
criticism, especially after putting so much thought and effort
into a project; however, even the best project can still be
improved upon. Feedback will focus on evaluation, the
identification of areas to be improved and suggestions for
how this could be achieved.
1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/
Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/23/10 8:18 PM Page 18