Architectural Design

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2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/4028

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/17/10 6:00 PM Page 27

A pacing space

The most significant differences from student projects are
the negotiations and applications for approval by planning
authorities at scheme design stage and building control
at detailed design stage, as well as the production of
information for tender, where drawings are priced by
contractors who bid for the work. Throughout the project,
the architect coordinates the contributions of various
consultants, such as engineers. The management of the
project on site is a significant part of the architect’s role
but this is experienced by few students while in full-time
education. There is still a need for architectural decisions,
and therefore design work, while construction is in progress.

Project: House for a Philosopher
Location: UK
Architect: AOC
Date 2006
This cutaway axonometric describes
the design for ‘a simple house to
stimulate different modes of thinking’.

Architectural Association: student pavilions ›

Design studio projects

› Zaha Hadid: MAXXI Museum of XXI Century Arts


Lined with timber

Zinc cladding

The Philosopher’s books

Philosopher curates views byremoving books
Portrait of Philosopher’s Muse
Writing implements
Agora underbelly

The Philosopher may receiveoccasional guests

Philosopher prepares tunaand avocado lunch


Bed nook in which toincubate thoughts Entrance hatch

A tower for defecating


Septic tank

Access to roof

Inscribed qutotations

A tower for star-gazing

A selection of fruit Kitchen illuminated by daylight slotabove
and vegetables

Plastic duck

Apple tree


Reservoir of collected rainwaterserves Philosopher
Rainwater is percolatedthrough sand
Filtered water is storedwithin the thick wall
The water is funneleddown to the sink, bath,
toilet and septic tank

2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/4028

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/17/10 6:01 PM Page 27

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