Architectural Design

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3rd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0910-28/Janet E

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 9/21/10 10:27 PM Page 33

Zaha Hadid: MAXXI Museum of XXI Century Arts ›

Chapter summary

Year one group tutorial
Sketch drawn for the PAL
(Peer Assisted Learning) project
undertaken by Justus Van Der Hoven
and Jamie Williamson. This sketch
of a group tutorial shows the hands-
on participatory nature of the design
studio, with students discussing the
development of a prototype that they
are making with a tutor. The tutorial
is a loosely structured discussion
involving questions and answers
passed freely between tutor and
student until both parties reach
agreement on the progress and
direction of the project. Students
not directly involved can either work
in the studio while the tutorial is in
progress or join in if they wish.

This exploration of teaching, learning and practising in the
design studio has begun to reveal that architects are required
to participate and contribute to the life and direction of the
studio in order to make it work and also to benefit from
what it has to offer. At its most positive, involvement gives
opportunities to learn, find inspiration, participate in current
debate and opinion and be informed on the latest advances
in design, methods, tools and skills. It can also lead to
recognition by peers and, by implication, advancement in
the profession. At its worst this culture can become self-
referential, clubby, exclusive and even irrelevant to the rest
of the world. Architects must use their critical judgement and
exploit their capacity for reinvention to ensure that design-
studio culture remains fluid, positive, accessible and relevant.

3rd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0910-28/Janet E

008-033 Chapter 1 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 9/21/10 10:01 PM Page 33

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