1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028
Chapter 2 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 9:01 AM Page 36
The design process
Problem solving
Architectural design requires the solution of complex
problems. This is central to an understanding of the
design methods, processes and approaches that are
discussed later in this chapter.
Understanding complex problems
No matter how similar their training and experience, no
two architects working alone will ever produce an identical
architectural proposal, even if those two architects are deeply
sympathetic to each other’s ideas and have worked together
for their entire career. However, they will be able to recognise
the other’s work because of the familiar ideas and the way
that they are expressed. In this respect the moment of
design can be seen as an individual act. This is where the
complexity of the task must be broken down and understood
internally in the mind of the individual and their interpretation
of the problem expressed.
Design does not just require the solution of complex
problems but relies on the individual to identify, state or
define the design problem. This requires an enhanced
ability not only to perceive the problem, but also to focus
on particular problems as being the most relevant to solve.
Architects must develop their perception and critical
judgement as essential skills.
This tolerance of multiple solutions in architecture seems
to contrast greatly with other disciplines, such as science,
where there is a drive to search for evidence to prove that
one particular theory is correct. However, there is no doubt
that scientific problems are also incredibly complex. Why do
architects insist on ‘bespoke’ solutions and methods rather
than working together to research and agree on one single
optimum, or even correct, answer to questions such as,
‘What are the qualities of the “ideal” house?’
1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028
Chapter 2 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 9:02 AM Page 36