Architectural Design

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1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 2 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 9:01 AM Page 47

NL Architects: Prisma housing ›

Developing a concept

› Klein Dytham architecture: Billboard Building

Triggers for architectural activity
Some architects choose to portray design either as the
product of a gradual, rational and methodical series of moves
or as a sudden moment of inspiration. Most architects would
describe a mixture of both but value either inspiration or
method more than the other. The variation in the perception
of design activity would seem to stem from the fact that
some architects believe the moment of design is provoked
by activity and some by reflection.
Whatever their position along this continuum, most architects
would recognise the following description: the process
of architectural design is a creative act that requires the
designer to employ their full range of skills, which takes time
and requires periods of activity and of reflection. This
balanced approach is needed to solve architectural problems
and manage their complexity.
The debate about how and when design happens is
symptomatic of the fact that there is no single accepted
design process for architects to follow. Just as the
complexity of the design task must be broken down and
understood internally in the mind of the individual, each
architect must also make their own decisions about how to
proceed with the task. This becomes part of the architect’s
developing design process. Every architect follows their own
design process, which has been informed by their education
and experience, and which adapts to respond to the different
kinds of design problems that they encounter.

[An architectural concept] ‘should be something that overrides all scales. An
architectural concept would need to be so clear that it runs through all scales
and once that’s communicated and understood, any problem on site, at any
scale, should be able to be solved.’
Judith Lösing, East

1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 2 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 9:02 AM Page 47

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