Architectural Design

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1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 2 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 9:02 AM Page 52

1 Linear sequence
2 Testing or scanning
3 Systematic production of
4 Forming alternatives in a multi-step

The design process

Finding a process

Analysing the process of design

In his book Tools for Ideas: Introduction to Architectural
Design, Christian Gänshirt shows four alternative diagrams
that Horst Rittel used to describe the design process. The
first and simplest diagram, a ‘linear sequence’, shows activity
followed by a decision, which leads to further activity, which
leads in turn to another decision and so on. In theory, this
linear process could describe a very experienced architect
who is solving a problem similar to previous, successfully
solved ones. However, when applied to architectural
problems, this makes the assumption that an architect would
wish to solve a similar problem in a similar way rather than to
continually seek innovation, as most would strive to do.
The second diagram, ‘testing and scanning’, shows an
attempt by the designer to use the first solution that occurs
to them. When this does not produce the desired result,
the designer returns to the beginning and tries a different
solution. The third diagram, ‘systematic production of
alternatives’, shows a designer who is consciously setting
up several alternative approaches and exploring them before
using critical judgement to make a decision. The fourth
diagram, ‘forming alternatives in a multi-step process’,
describes a designer who will develop multiple solutions
but with self-imposed constraints to reduce the number
of alternatives to a manageable amount.
The fourth version seems the closest to the reality of the
design process. It admits the imposition of constraints by the
designer in order to make the task manageable and therefore
introduces an element of arbitrariness and subjectivity, which
certainly exists, however logical the reasons for the decision
made by the designer.

Horst Rittel’s diagram of four
‘design processes for generating
variety and reducing variety’:


1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 2 final_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 9:02 AM Page 52

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