Architectural Design

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2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/4028

062-081 Chapter 3 final (3.1)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/18/10 10:22 AM Page 80

The design project

Clients, users and brief

The client and users

The initial brief was provided by a local theatre company
and the producer visited the design studio to discuss issues
that were not covered or that were in conflict; to answer
questions about how the company worked; to ask what the
students’ priorities were and what they hoped for at the end
of the project. Site visits also improved understanding of
what was possible and how the wider public would react.
Ralph Saull on making early design decisions:
The demand for distraction has prevailed this week.
Procrastination at this stage is a sign that an idea is either
fundamentally flawed, or still in such a stage of watery
ambiguity that the task of putting pen to paper to solve it
seems daunting. This game I play with the creative sphere
of the brain ought to end in checkmate, the brain conceding
that there is simply nothing else to do but work...
Rodolfo Acevedo Rodriguez on different uses of the site:
A solution to the spontaneous weather changes that can
occur throughout the day: a jazz bar offers an outdoor stage
for a local band and spectators; the cinematic space offers
a similar indoor space transformed by means of mechanisms
and technology.
William Fisher’s ideas for designing the audience experience:
The idea for my theatre is to make the building camouflaged
from view, so that the audience would have to rely on their
other senses to find it, as if being blind [like King Lear].
This fitted in with my plan to bury the building, as the snow
had buried the paths on site. The audience will have to rely
on their hearing to find the theatre, as the music from the
orchestra/buskers will spread throughout the park. Spent
some time sketching down how the audience find their seat.
Want to avoid the usual theatre experience where you see
the rest of the audience and the set before the play starts.

2nd ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: CPD0810-27/4028

062-081 Chapter 3 final (3.1)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 8/18/10 10:22 AM Page 80

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