Architectural Design

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1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 3 final (3.1)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 7:32 AM Page 81

Reality check exercise

For a studio-based architectural design project where
there is no commission to design and build a building, and
therefore no genuine accountability to a client, brief or site,
the designer must use their understanding of these factors
in a way that gives consistency to the project. If any of these
factors are neglected or inconsistent with the others, flaws
will emerge in the developing design.
Students were asked to carry out this exercise halfway
through the project when they had the beginnings of a
coherent proposal. It helps students learn how to develop
a brief without compromising the creativity of their response
to it. The exercise provides a check and balance mechanism
to commit the designer to, and make them more aware of,
the overall picture of the world that they have chosen to
work within.
Construct a reality (however unreal) so that the total
project is convincing within itself.
Many projects will have several competing and
significant requirements. The architect must make critical
judgements about their relative significance in order to deal
with them creatively. Consider the needs and aspirations
of the client, the public and the architect, in relation to the
following issues:
cost function accessibility quality
security life cycle users usefulness
buildability sustainability maintenance seasonality
1 Rank each of the issues in order of importance to the
2 Write a paragraph describing the consistent reality (however
unreal) in which the project is set. Address each of the issues
relative to their importance.
3 This written statement creates a more detailed and complex
context for the project. Use it as a reference for future
decision making as the project develops.

Clients, users and brief › Site, context and place

1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/4028

Chapter 3 final (3.1)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 7:32 AM Page 81

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