1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/3184
Chapter 3 final (3.2)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 7:42 AM Page 98
The design project
Site, context and place
Can you give me an example of the scenarios that you
created for the disused Tempelhof airfield site in Berlin?
There are two main scenarios for Tempelhof. One is the
closure of an old airport that became famous because
it was the first metropolitan airport in the world and because
it was the site of the airlift that effectively saved the Berlin
population from starvation after the blockade by the Soviet
Union. So the first scenario is how to give it a new life
as an infrastructure. The main aim is the mutation of the
infrastructure into some other kind of infrastructure. We are
interested in linking energy to city development. The second
scenario relates to: ‘Is a city a consumer of energy or can
it become a producer of energy through our lifestyle?’ This
piece of city development could begin to perform like an
alternative power plant. There are three phases. It starts
in a very soft phase, which is mostly about landscaping
and opening up the territory to the surrounding population.
Secondly it’s including large-scale national projects, like the
International Building Exhibition and the International Garden
Exhibition, which comes with funding to build and create
experimental housing. The third one is to push for full-force
renewable energy regeneration and linking up through
intelligent systems. So those are the two scenarios
combined. One is highly symbolic and historical and the
other is highly utilitarian.
Project: Beckton Loop Energy
Location: London
Architect: CHORA, Design for
London and Adams & Sutherland
Date: 2009
Scenario game. Game-like rules are
introduced in order to structure the
input of participants from different
interest groups involved in the project
1st ProofTitle: BA: Architectural Design
Job No: PD0710-67/3184
Chapter 3 final (3.2)_.qxd:layouts to chapter one 7/24/10 7:42 AM Page 98