
(vip2019) #1

(^362) Strategies

  1. See Cooper and Kleinschmidt, New Prod-
    ucts,pp. 35–38.

  2. Erika Rasmusson, “Staying Power,”Sales
    & Marketing Management,August 1998,
    pp. 44–46.

  3. Quentin Hardy, “Iridium’s Orbit to Sell a
    World Phone, Play to Executive Fears of
    Being out of Touch: Satellite Consortium
    Chooses That Pitch for Bid to Build a
    Global Brand Overnight,”Wall Street Jour-
    nal,June 4, 1998 p. A1; Sally Beatty, “Irid-
    ium Is Betting Satellite Phone Will Hook
    Restless Professionals,”Wall Street Journal,
    June 22, 1998, p. B6.

  4. Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, “Tar-
    geting Prospects for a New Product,”Jour-
    nal of Advertising Research, February 1976,
    pp. 7–20.

  5. Jim Carlton, “From Apple, a New Mar-
    keting Blitz,”Wall Street Journal,August
    14, 1998, p. B1.

  6. For details, see Keith G. Lockyer, Critical
    Path Analysis and Other Project Network
    Techniques(London: Pitman, 1984). Also
    see Arvind Rangaswamy and Gary L.
    Lilien, “Software Tools for New Product
    Development,”Journal of Marketing Re-
    search,February 1997, pp. 177–84.

  7. The following discussion leans heavily
    on Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Inno-
    vations(New York: Free Press, 1962).

Also see his third edition, published in

  1. Gillian Newson and Eric Brown, “CD-
    ROM: What Went Wrong?”NewMedia,
    August 1998, pp. 32–38.

  2. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, p. 192.
    Also see S. Ram and Hyung-Shik Jung,
    “Innovativeness in Product Usage: A
    Comparison of Early Adopters and Early
    Majority,”Psychology and Marketing, Jan-
    uary–February 1994, pp. 57–68.

  3. See Hubert Gatignon and Thomas S.
    Robertson, “A Propositional Inventory
    for New Diffusion Research,”Journal of
    Consumer Research, March 1985, pp.
    849–67; Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller,
    and Frank M. Bass, “Diffusion of New
    Products: Empirical Generalizations and
    Managerial Uses,”Marketing Science,14,
    no. 3, part 2 (1995); G79–G89; Fareena
    Sultan, John U. Farley, and Donald R.
    Lehmann, “Reflection on ‘A Meta-Analy-
    sis of Applications of Diffusion Models,’”
    Journal of Marketing Research,May 1996,
    pp. 247–49; Minhi Hahn, Sehoon Park,
    and Andris A. Zoltners, “Analysis of New
    Product Diffusion Using a Four-segment
    Trial-repeat Model,”Marketing Science,13,
    no. 3 (1994), 224–47.

  4. Joshua Levine, “TV in the Classroom,”
    Forbes,January 27, 1997, p. 98.

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