118 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments
q 1 : How does anhydrous copper sulfate differ in appearance from hydrated copper sulfate?
q: 2 The formula weight of hydrated copper sulfate is 249.7 grams per mole (g/mol). How many moles of hydrated copper sulfate
were present in your sample (line C of Table 6-7)?
Item Data
A. Mass of crucible and cover _______.____ g
B. Initial mass (crucible, cover, and
hydrate salt) _______.____ g
C. Mass of hydrate salt (B – A) _______.____ g
D. Final mass (crucible, cover, and
anhydrous salt)
_______.____ g
E. Mass of anhydrous salt (D – A) _______.____ g
F. Mass loss (C – E) _______.____ g
If you have time and the required materials, consider
performing these optional activities:
- Repeat the experiment, substituting magnesium
sulfate heptahydrate (Epsom salts) for the copper
sulfate pentahydrate. - Repeat the experiment, substituting hydrated sodium
carbonate (washing soda) for the copper sulfate
TABLE 6-7: Formula of a hydrate—observed and calculated data