Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1

256 DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments


q 1 : Graph kelvin temperature (x-axis) versus volume (y-axis) using your observed and calculated (predicted) volumes? What general
form do the graphs take (linear, exponential, etc.)? How closely do your observed values correspond to your calculated values?

q: 2 What volume would your gas sample have if you were able to cool it to absolute zero? Extrapolate your experimental data
to estimate the kelvin temperature of absolute zero. How closely does your extrapolation correspond to the actual temperature of
absolute zero (0 K)?

q: 3 A sample of gas has a volume of 10.00 mL at 26.85°C. With pressure held constant, what volume would that sample occupy at
–173.15°C? At 126.85°C?

q: 4 A sample of gas has a volume of 10.00 mL at 26.85°C. With pressure held constant, at what temperature would that sample
occupy 15.00 mL?

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