Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments

(Amelia) #1
Chapter 4: Chemicals for the Home Chemistry Lab 65

Chemical QuantityStorage CodeR(isk)-phrases S(afety)-phrases

Sodium hypochlorite
(laundry bleach)

125 mL R20 R21 R22 R34 R41S1 S2 S28 S45 S50

Sodium nitrite 25 g R8 R25 R50 S45 S61

Sodium phosphate, tribasic25 g R34 R36 R38 S22 S26 S27 S36 S37

Sodium sulfate 25 g none none

Sodium sulfite 25 g R20 R21 R22 R36 R38

S22 S26 S36

Sodium thiosulfate 25 g R36 R37 R38 S26 S36

Strontium nitrate 25 g R8 R36 R37 R38 S26

Sulfuric acid, 98% (18.4 M)100 mL

R23 R24 R25 R35 R36

R37 R38 R49

S23 S30 S36 S37

S39 S45

Vitamin C tablet, 500 mg1 none none

Zinc metal (powder,
granular, mossy) 25 g R11 S7 S8 S43

Zinc nitrate 25 g R8 R20 R21 R22 R34 R36
R37 R38

S17 S22 S26 S36

S37 S39

TABLE 4-5 (continued): Recommended supplemental chemicals and quantities

Just before this book went to press, the DEA reclassified
elemental iodine in any quantity as a List I chemical,
because iodine is sometimes used by illegal meth
labs. Although it is still legal to purchase elemental
iodine,many suppliers no longer offer it because of the
paperwork involved.
If you can’t find elemental iodine for sale (or if you
just don’t want your name to end up on a DEA list) you
can make your own iodine crystals from potassium
iodide. For instructions, visit
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