Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1

The common elements in both correlation matrices in Table 7.5 show (when considering significant
correlations above .50) that Organizational creativity was strongly positively correlated with Business
development and positively correlated with three transformational leadership dimensions, i.e. Vision,
Inspirational communication, Intellectual stimulation. Business development and Client centricity
were also strongly positively correlated with Inspirational communication. Operational efficiency was
strongly positively related to Client centricity. Of the transformational leadership dimensions, Vision
was strongly positively related to Inspirational communication. Inspirational communication was also
strongly related to Personal recognition. Similar to the two-factor solution, a distinction can be made
between exploration-related dimensions (Organizational creativity, Business development, Vision,
Intellectual stimulation) and exploitation-related dimensions (Client centricity, Operational efficiency,
Supportive leadership). Inspirational communication seemed to correlate equally with exploration-
related and exploitation-related dimensions.

Next to the factorial validity and discriminant validity of the model this study aimed to explore the
differences per organizational level in terms of the manifestation of leadership behaviors (of the four
strategic leadership dimensions and the transformational sub-dimensions). ANOVA was performed to
compare the difference in mean scores of each strategic leadership and transformational leadership
variable for each organizational level (top-level, middle-level and lower-level). Table 7.6 reports the
respective means and ANOVA statistics.

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