Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1

The sample of 182 subordinates consisted of 39 subordinates of top-level managers (with 50 or more
subordinates), 51 subordinates of middle managers (between 11 and 49 subordinates) and 70
subordinates of lower-level managers) between 1 and 10 subordinates (22 focal managers did not
report on this criteria). 55.5 % was male. The average age was 43.3 (SD=16.02). 54.9 % was Dutch.
In terms of highest degree achieved, 17.0 % received a secondary school degree, 20.9 % received a
%DFKHORU¶VGHJUHH% UHFHLYHGD0DVWHU¶VGHJUHHDQG % received a PhD degree (10.4 % did not
report on this criteria). 37.9 % was in his/her current position between 1 and 3 years.

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