Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1

that the best global rating of job satisfaction is a one-item, 5-SRLQWVFDOHWKDWVLPSO\DVNV³2YHUDOO

Organizational level
Organizational level is measured, similar to the previous chapter, by means of the number of
subordinates reporting to the respective leader. Supervisors with between 1 and 10 subordinates were
labeled lower-level managers, supervisors with between 11 and 49 subordinates were considered
middle managers and supervisors with 50 or more subordinates were considered top-level managers.
The assignment of the focal managers across organizational levels was cross-checked on the basis of
WKHDXWKRUV¶knowledge of the function and position of the focal manager within his or her respective


A confirmatory factor analysis, considering a four-factor structure for strategic leadership and a five-
factor structure for transformational leadership resulted in an acceptable fit. X2 = 839.799, df = 524,
p<.001, RMSEA = .058, AIC =- 12081.301, SRMR = .058. The descriptive statistics, internal
reliability and intercorrelations are shown in Table 8.1.

Table 8-1: Descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha’s and intercorrelations

Table 8.1 shows transformational leadership and strategic leadership were largely related to
VXERUGLQDWH¶ MRE VDWLVIDFWLRQ, largely to the same extent. Organizational creativity, Vision,
Inspirational communication and Intellectual stimulation show the highest correlations with

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