Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1


This may be due to a changing role of middle managers (McCann et al., 2004), where they are no
longer controlling their subordinates or actively involved in client management, but function as
coaches for their subordinates, while unleashing their potential (Denham et al., 1997). In the past,
when a company needed to grow, management simply added workers to the bottom and then filled in
management layers above, to control lower levels (Nealey & Fiedler, 1968). The wave of re-
engineering from the 1980s (Holden & Roberts, 2004) onwards however aimed at rethinking the
division of work and reRUJDQL]LQJDURXQG³KRUL]RQWDO ́Srocesses has changed this. Due to this trend,
middle managers seem to have be stuck in the tension between their strategic and supervisory
leadership role.

The conceptual difference between strategic and supervisory leadership was drawn in terms of level of
analysis. This also had implications for the potential effectiveness measures of the respective
behaviors (Judge et al., 2004; Kor, 2006). Given the focus of the external environment in the concept
of strategic leadership, the effectiveness measure should also account for environment-oriented
measures. Moreover, the move to a higher level of analysis provided fertile ground to consider
alternative sources of leadership. Both transformational and strategic leadership behaviors have been
related to subordiQDWH¶ MRE VDWLVIDFWLRQ (chapter eight). Mainstream leadership scholars most
consistently agree upon that leaders are supposed to motivate subordinates to accomplish
organizational goals (Barker, 2001). Next to this outcome, the measure of strategic leadership has also
been related to team effectiveness (chapter nine), as the concept goes beyond leader-follower
interaction and accounts for the interaction of the organization with its environment. The results
showed that if the aim is WRLQFUHDVHVXERUGLQDWH¶MREVDWLVIaction, top-level managers should perform

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