Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1


There are several important practical implications from this research. The promising results with
regard to shared leadership emphasize the importance of making it an important aspect of team
functioning (Day et al., 2004a; Day et al., 2004b). This can be encouraged by means of leadership
development and teamwork training programs. The conceptual strategic leadership model can be
taken as framework for the design of such a leadership development/teamwork training program. As
managers and their bosses generate the statement of performance expectations for the next time
period, they can examine what skills and competencies need to be developed, focusing on one of the
four strategic leadership dimensions which have been identified as requiring additional attention.
Team managers could actively seek to build autonomy and experimentation capabilities (through
encouragement or specialized team training) to explore new ideas and product solutions
(Organizational creativity) while, in a different time span, shift focus on disciplined project
management procedures to exploit current knowledge (Operational efficiency).

The strategic leadership measurement instrument can be used to measure the effectiveness of
development programs or other type of interventions (Collins & Holton, 2004). Annual budgets for
leadership development will continue to groZWKURXJKRXWWKHQH[WGHFDGHDVFRPSDQLHV³UHFRJQL]H
ZLGHQSHUVSHFWLYHVLQRUGHUWRFRPSHWHJOREDOO\ ́(Gibler et al., 2000, p.xii). Even though leadership
development interventions are pervasive, research indicates that organizations are spending little time
evaluating the effectiveness of their interventions and, more specifically, evaluating whether those
programs improve the organi]DWLRQ¶V SHUIRUPDQFH (Collins & Holton, 2004). That leadership
development efforts will result in improved leadership skills appears to be taken for granted by many
corporations, professional management associations, and consultants. Some programs or structural
changes may improve more than one effectiveness determinant (Day, 2000). For example, a well-
designed incentive system may improve reliability (Operational efficiency), innovation
(Organizational creativity), and client satisfaction (Client centricity) simultaneously. The strategic
leadership model ensures that all four strategic leadership dimensions are considered and that
deliberate choices are made. The measurement instrument can effectively guide the implementation of
the strategic choices, by monitoring individual, team and organizational profiles over time (Miller &
Friesen, 2007).

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