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(Jeff_L) #1

The strategic leadership measurement may not only provide leeway for developing those
organizational members already on board. But likewise, the measurement instrument can be used to
recruit new members to the team. By profiling both the existing team and the new potential member,
one may identify where the person may fit within the team. Deciding whom to put on a team is one of
the biggest challenges facing a manager or team leader (Reagans et al., 2004). Building on the
research of Clifton and Nelson (1992), Buckingham and Clifton (2001) asserted that organizational
effectiveness requires managers to change their team effectiveness strategy. Rather than balancing a
team with similarities, they maintained that excellence can only be achieved by building on
HPSOR\HHV¶ VWUHQJWKV DQG PDQDJLQJ WKHLU ZHDNQHVVHVUnfortunately, many teams are formed by
selecting people with similar competencies and personalities (temperaments) as way of minimizing
conflict (Humphrey et al., 2009). When teams are formed around similarities, they have a greater
WKHJURXS¶VFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDlternative solutions (Janis & Mann, 1977).

Complementary fit suggests that people fit when they fill an unmet need (Edwards et al., 2006;
ZKROH ́(Muchinsky & Monahan, 1987, p.271). Because team performance is a function of the
effective execution of a set of interdependent roles (Belbin, 1993), a team that lacks an individual with
specific skills or traits necessary has an unmet need (Biddle, 1979)%\DGGLQJDSHUVRQZKR³ILWV ́WKH
team may become more effective (Muchinsky & Monahan, 1987),WVKRXOGEHVWUHVVHGWKRXJK³7KH
effects of a valid selection procedure can be nullified by any lack of cooperation within groups and by
ERWWOHQHFNVVKLUNLQJDQGVRFLDOORDILQJ ́(Schneider et al., 2000, p.99). The acknowledgement of the
value of diversity should be well incorporated and expressed in company culture.

Lastly, on an individual basis, the 360-degree feedback method shows to be a powerful tool for
personal development (Thach, 2002). As such, the strategic leadership model can be used as the basis
for examining the transition from one managerial level to the next. Research has shown that one cause
of derailment by managers who had previously been considered successful is their continued use of
behaviors that were appropriate at the lower level but which may no longer be appropriate at the level
to which they were promoted (Kaplan & Kaiser, 2003)3URYLGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQRQKRZDPDQDJHU¶V
current position differs from the previous position is particularly important because this information
can better equip managers to make the transition from one position to the next and help them to
identify which new behaviors must be learned, as well as which old behaviors may need to be

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