Erim Hester Duursema[hr].pdf

(Jeff_L) #1

Without the tension that exists between simultaneous opposites in organizations, unproductive
"schismogenesis" may occur (Bateson, 1936; Morgan, 1981). Schismogenesis is a process of self-
reinforcement where one action or attribute in the organization perpetuates itself until it becomes
extreme and therefore dysfunctional.

Although the idea that organizations must perform both exploratory and exploitative tasks if they are
to survive is neither new nor surprising, how organizations should pursue both development modes is
still a major point of discussion (Gupta et al., 2006). ³2UJDQizational ambidexterity remains an
undertheorized, underconceptualized and, therefore, poorly underVWRRGSKHQRPHQRQ ́(Simsek, 2009,
p.598). 7KLV LV FDSWXUHG E\ 2¶5eilly and Tushman (2011) DV IROORZV ³what is missing is a clear
articulation of those specific managerial actions that facilitate the simultaneous pursuit of exploitation
and exploration... what is needed is greater insight into the specific micro mechanisms required for a
manager to implement and operate an ambidextrous strategy ́(p.8). The ambidexterity approach
demonstrates two alternatives, i.e. structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity (Gibson &
Birkinshaw, 2004). With structural ambidexterity (Benner & Tushman, 2003; O'Reilly 3rd &
Tushman, 2004), it is proposed that agile firms develop specific structures that are dedicated to either
exploration or exploitation. The coherence and coordination of the overall firm is ensured by top
management that arbitrates between the exploration and exploitation units. Smith and Tushman (2005)
explored the integrative mechanisms by which top management teams might successfully manage the
contradictions that arise from structural separation in ambidextrous organizations, and Volberda et al.
bringing in new competencies to some units while utilizing well-GHYHORSHGFRPSHWHQFLHVLQRWKHUV ́
(p.165)2¶5HLOO\DQG7XVKPDQ(2004) emphasized the role of ambidextrous top-level managers with

ambidextrous organizations need ambidextrous senior teams and PDQDJHUV ́(p.81). Ambidextrous
managers must manage contradictions and conflicting goals (Smith & Tushman, 2005), engage in
paradoxical thinking (Gibson & Birkinshaw, 2004), and fulfill multiple roles (Floyd & Lane, 2000).
The latter refers to contextual ambidexterity, which purports that ambidexterity is not so much
realized at the structural level, but at the level of individuals within the organization (Gibson &
Birkinshaw, 2004; Hargadon & Fanelli, 2002).

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