
(Chris Devlin) #1




When this book was first written (in 1995), the en-
tire world was not yet living in cyberspace. The Internet
was a relatively new idea, and very few of us knew how
big a part of our lives it would become.
As the new millennium dawned, a strange thing be-
gan to happen. People everywhere were writing again,
just as people did in the 1800s when they took their
quills out to write letters and diaries. The age of mind-
numbing television viewing had been eclipsed by the age
of chat rooms and e-mail.
This wonderful evolutionary jump in civilization gave
this little book that you are holding in your hands right
now brand-new life. All of a sudden the fight for limited
shelf space in bookstores was not as important to a book’s
success. What became most important was the book’s
word-of-mouth “buzz” over the Internet.
Soon people were e-mailing other people about this
book and the Internet bookstores (with infinite shelf space)
were selling copies as fast as Career Press could print
them. I began getting e-mails from readers as far away as
Taiwan and Japan and as close as my computer screen.

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