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We talked for a long time that night, and she finally
saw that coming home when she says she’s coming
home—indeed, doing what she says she’s going to do—
is a really “big deal.” It’s everything.
Since that incident and conversation, Stephanie has
been extremely sensitive to keeping her word. If she
goes out and promises to be back at a certain time, she
takes along a watch or makes certain someone she’s with
has one. The “incident” that night is something neither
of us will forget, because it got us clear on the idea of
trust and agreements. You could even say that it was a
good thing.
We have heard of so many incidents where bad
events in retrospect were strokes of great fortune. A
person who broke her leg skiing met a doctor in the
hospital, fell in love, married him, and had a happy
relationship for life. Because most of us have experi-
enced a number of these incidents, we’re aware of the
dynamic. What seems bad (like a broken leg) turns out
unexpectedly great. We begin to see the truth that ev-
ery problem carries a gift inside it.
By choosing to make use of seemingly bad events,
you can access that gift much sooner. By asking your-
self “How can I use this?” or “What might be good about
this?” you can turn your life around on a dime.
56. Storm your own brain
The term “brainstorming” is now very well known
in American business life.
I first learned it many years ago when I worked as a
copywriter in an ad agency. Whenever we would get a
new account our agency’s president would get us all to-
gether to “brainstorm” for creative ideas for the client.