movements, lying down and flapping our arms, cre-
ated the angel.
This memory of Michigan in the winter has come
back to me a lot in recent weeks. It first happened
when someone asked me what the connection was
between self-motivation and self-creation.
While answering the question, I got a picture of
snow. I had a vision that the whole universe was
snow, and I could create myself any way I wanted
by my movement. The movement of the actions I
took would create the self I wanted to be.
Aristotle also knew how to create a self through
He once said this: “Whatever we learn to do,
we learn by actually doing it; men come to be build-
ers, for instance, by building, and harp players by
playing the harp. In the same way, by doing just
acts we come to be just: By doing self-controlled
acts, we come to be self-controlled; and by doing
brave acts, we become brave.”
This book contains 100 moves you can make in
the snow.
Steve Chandler
Phoenix, Arizona
January, 2001
Cyber Motivation