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“You know, that’s blasphemous,” a seminar student
once told me during a break. “Only God can create the
“But if you believe that,” I said, “you must also be-
lieve as it is written, that we were all created in God’s
image. And if you believe in God as the Creator, and
that He created us in His image, then what are we do-
ing when we don’t create? Whose image are we living in
when we deliberately do not create?”
Try this: After you wake up in the morning, wipe
the sleep from your eyes, sit down with a pad of paper,
and draw four circles. These are your own “planets.”
Label the first circle, “Lifelong Dream.” (And in order
to keep this example simple, I’ll make it strictly finan-
cial, although you can do it with any kinds of goals you
want.) Your lifelong dream might be to save a half a
million dollars for your retirement years. So, put that
number in your “Life” circle. Then look at circle two,
the next planet in your solar system. That circle you
will label, “My Year.” What do you need to save in the
next year in order to be on course to hit your life sav-
ings goal? (When you factor in the interest, it’s less than
you think.) And when you arrive at the figure, make
certain that it matches up mathematically with your
first circle. In other words, if you save this amount, and
save, say 10 percent more each year that follows, will
you achieve your “Life” number? If not, do some more
math until you get a direct connection between your
yearly savings projection and your lifelong goal.
Now that you’ve got your first two circles filled with
a number, move to the third circle, “My Month.” What
would you have to save each month to hit your year’s
goal? Then put that number down. Three circles are now