
(Chris Devlin) #1

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77. Serve and grow rich

One good way to motivate yourself is by increasing
the flow of money into your life.

Most people are embarrassed to even think this way.
They don’t want to “think and grow rich” because they
think they will be thought of as selfish or greedy. Or
maybe they still believe in the thoroughly discredited
Marxist economic superstition that to make money, you
have to take it away from somebody else. Or else they
don’t want to come across as being obsessed with money.

But do you know who is really obsessed with money?
People who don’t have any. They obsess about money
all day long. It’s in their family discussions, it’s in their
minds at night, and it becomes a destructive part of their
relationships during the day.

The best way not to be obsessed with money is to
trust your game plan for earning your way to financial
freedom. “Our first duty,” said George Bernard Shaw,
“is not to be poor.”
The road to not being poor always travels through
your professional relationships in life. The more you
serve those relationships, the more productive those
relationships will become, and the more money you will

“Money is life energy that we exchange and use as a
result of the service we provide to the universe,” wrote
Deepak Chopra in Creating Affluence. When you under-
stand that money flows from service, you have a chance
to understand something even more valuable: Unexpect-
edly large amounts of money come from unexpectedly
large degrees of service.
The way to generate unexpected service to the
people in your life is to ask yourself, “What do they ex-
pect?” Once you’re clear on what that is, then ask, “What

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