
(Chris Devlin) #1

can I do that they would not expect?” It’s always the
unexpected service that gets talked about. And it’s al-
ways getting talked about that increases your profes-
sional value.

As Napoleon Hill repeatedly pointed out, great
wealth comes from the habit of going the extra mile.
And it is always a smart business move to do a little
more than you are paid for.
It is almost impossible to enjoy a life of self-motiva-
tion when you’re worried about money. Don’t be embar-
rassed about giving this subject a great deal of thought.
Thinking about money a little bit in advance frees you
from having to always think about it later. Allow your-
self to link financial well-being with an increased capac-
ity for compassion for others. If I am living in poverty,
how much love and attention can I give to my children
or my fellow humans? How much help can I be if I, for
sheer lack of creative planning, am always worried
about being in debt?

“Poverty is no disgrace,” said Napoleon Hill. “But it
is certainly not a recommendation.”

78. Make a list of your life

Never hesitate to sit down with yourself and make
lists. The more you write things down, the more you
can dictate your own future. There is an unfortunate
myth that lists make things trivial. But lists do the op-
posite—they make things come alive.

I have a friend who made a list of all the positive
things about himself that he could think of. He listed
every characteristic and accomplishment that he could
remember in his life that he was proud of. He keeps the
list in his briefcase, and says he often reads through it
when he’s feeling down.

Make a list of your life
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